ACEM is pleased to announce the New Fellows Workshop on Sunday, 24 November, a part of the ACEM ASM in Adelaide, SA.
Join us for a half-day workshop featuring interactive sessions and engaging activities offering a valuable opportunity to acquire practical skills and knowledge for your transition to FACEM.
Stay tuned for updates on speakers and topics.
As an extension of this workshop, we invite you to join us for a networking event on Saturday evening. This is an opportunity to network with other New Fellows and connect with colleagues who are in the later stages of their careers.
Here is a statement from a recent workshop attendee:
“All (topics) were relevant to transition to work as a FACEM, and I took something from every speaker.”
Please note: This workshop is only open to FACEMs elected to Fellowship with the last three years (from November 2021 – November 2024).
This is a standalone workshop and registration to the ASM is not required.
CPD: Educational Activities (EA) – 5 hours