Oral Presentations
This information is for all oral presentations (excluding workshop presentations). These guidelines include instructions on how to prepare your presentation.
It is important that you read and understand these guidelines while preparing your presentation.
Workshop presenters please refer to your individual briefing documents.
Presentation template
It is recommended that all oral presenters use the official presentation template (see link below) when preparing their presentation.
This template is already in the 16:9 ratio for you.
Note: please do not prepare your presentation in 4:3 ratio – this will not show properly for your presentation.
Note: If you have any disclosures related to your presentation – please ensure that you include a disclosure slide at the start of your presentation.
Note: it is not required to include a “acknowledgement of country” statement in your presentation, this will be performed during the ASM.
Presentation length
Please refer to your confirmation letter for your presentation length.
If you have any questions please contact the ACEM ASM Program Manager Judy Kingston on info@acem2024.com.
Presentation times will be strictly enforced by chairpersons.
PowerPoint files
All users of Mac (Apple) hardware need to ensure before they leave home that the files are compatible with PC hardware. It is expected that presenters will use Microsoft.
Other compatible software includes:
- Office programs (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Outlook)
- Windows media player
- Quick time
- WinZip
- Adobe Acrobat
- Flash Player
Please let us know immediately if you use a Mac (Apple) system.
Movies and sound files
If you have movies or sound files in the PowerPoint presentation please embed them and test that they work correctly in presentation mode.
To ensure a complete and effective presentation every time here’s what to do:
- Create a folder for your presentation
- Place or copy every file that is used in the presentation in this folder. This will include all pictures, movies, sounds or any files that are used in the presentation
- Now re-create any links so that they access this presentation folder (insert, movies and sounds, from file). Remember to resave the presentation
- Another advantage of this approach is that you have access to the original files such as video clips etc in the event of PowerPoint problems
Loading your presentation
The speaker preparation room will be located in Skyway Room 2.
All oral presenters are required to check in at the Speaker preparation room at least 3 hours prior to their session commencing.
This is to ensure that your presentation is loaded and working correctly.
All presentations will be networked to the presentation rooms; therefore you need to ensure your presentation is loaded prior to your speaking time.
It will not be possible to use your own laptop or USB for your presentation.
Session information (incl. Q&A and Audio visual)
Your presentation will be given live, in-person.
Questions from the audience will be moderated by the session chairperson via the APP and distributed verbally to speakers.
You are required to be available for the duration of your session and to participate in the live Q&A.
Within your session room there will be the following audio visual items:
- Lectern and microphone
- Foldback monitor to view presenter notes
- Clicker to advance slides
Questions/Polling within presentation
ACEM ASM 2024 will be incorporating all presentation questions/polling via the meeting APP, therefore if you are planning on including questions/polling in your presentation, the below process must be followed.
Please note that the APP polling will be used in places where you may have used functionality such as “slido” previously.
Note that no other live polling program will be supported during the 2024 ASM delivery and we encourage you to use the event APP should you require this function.
- Advise ASM secretariat via email if you are planning to include questions/polling in your presentation
Deadline: as soon as possible but no later than Monday 11 November 2024 - Pre-submit your questions/polling via email (including correct answer if applicable)
Deadline: as soon as possible but no later than Sunday 17 November 2024
Questions/polls can be accepted in one of the following three formats:
- Yes/no
- Star rating out of 5
- Multiple choice A to E (with custom answers for each choice)
Questions can be any length however it is strongly recommended they are no longer than 250 characters as this displays best on mobile devices.
Note: you will be able to see the audience responses/answers via the ASM APP.
It is important that you download the APP prior to your session as it will not be possible for the responses/answers to be displayed on the screen.
Speaker preparation room
The Speaker preparation room will be located in Skyway Room 1.
Oral presenters are required to load their presentations in the speaker preparation room well in advance of your presentation (at least 3 hours prior). If you are presenting in the first session of the day, you MUST check in the day prior to your presentation.
Your presentation will be checked, then loaded onto the network and will be instantly available in your designated session room.
The speaker preparation room will be open as follows:
Monday 25 November – 0730 – 1700 hours
Tuesday 26 November – 0730 – 1700 hours
Wednesday 27 November – 0730 – 1500 hours
Thursday 28 November – 0730 – 1530 hours
What to do on the day of presentation
Please follow the below checklist to ensure you are ready for your presentation!
- Make sure you have loaded and checked your presentation in the speakers preparation room
- Be in your assigned session room at least 20 minutes prior to your session commencing
- Ensure that you are seated at the front of the room (front row near lectern)
Download Speaker PowerPoint Template
Poster Presentations
UPDATE – Poster board allocation NOW AVAILABLE!
The poster board allocation is now available! Be sure to check the poster listing for your assigned poster board display number.
This information is for all poster presentations. These guidelines include instructions on how to prepare your poster display.
All posters will be displayed as below:
- Traditional printed format (mandatory)
- Virtual/digital display in APP (optional)
Please note that you are still required to print and bring a physical hard copy of your poster for display even if you have submitted a digital version for best poster consideration.
Poster template
It is recommended that all poster presenters use the official presentation template (see link below) when preparing their presentation.
This template is already in the A0 poster size for you.
The A0 poster size is 841 x 1189 mm and must be in portrait style.
Posters that are produced landscape are unable to be accommodated.
Your poster display should be a visual representation of your work.
- Posters should be typed in clear bold print that can be easily read from distances over one metre
- The title should be displayed in block capitals of minimum size 25mm (1″) at the top of the poster
- The title should also display the names of the author(s) and the institution(s) of origin
- Contents should contain the study background, objective(s), methods, results and conclusion(s)
- Illustrations should be professionally drawn
- All contents should be simple and not overburdened with detail – “minimising detail maximises information transfer”
Poster information
All presenters are responsible for printing and preparing their posters prior to their arrival at the ASM.
Please note, the ACEM ASM will not be able to print your posters onsite.
Your poster space allocation is A0 size, portrait (1189mm high and 841mm wide – maximum size).
Please note clear identification is absolutely essential.
We recommend bringing Velcro to mount material on the board as poster boards will be Velcro compatible.
You may consider providing handout material relating to your poster or a business card/mobile number to enable follow up and further discussion with delegates.
Best poster nomination and voting
All poster presenters for ACEM ASM 2024 have the opportunity to be considered fro the Best Poster Award.
To be considered for the Best Poster Award, you will need to submit a PDF version of your poster as soon as possible but no later than Wednesday 20 November 1600 hours.
Early submission date of posters is required to ensure that your poster can be uploaded to the ASM app for voting by your peers.
Please submit your poster in PDF format via this upload link.
Please note that only posters submitted digitally in PDF can be considered for this award.
To be eligible of this award, the presenting author must be registered for and attend the ASM.
Poster display
Poster presentations will be displayed for the duration of the ASM.
Posters will be located in the exhibition hall – Halls FG.
Poster listing / board assignment
The poster listing with your assigned poster board number will be released shortly.
There is no need to display your assigned poster board number on your poster – rather this designates where your poster will be displayed.
Your assigned poster board number will be included in your final program confirmation letter.
Mount/dismount information
Posters are required to be hung by no later than 1230 hours on Monday 25 November 2024. You will have access to the exhibition halls from 0830 hours.
Posters are required to be removed by 1400 hours on Thursday 28 November 2024. Immediately following the conclusion of lunch
Important: Posters not removed by this time, will be taken down and stored at the registration desk. All posters not collected by 1730 hours on Thursday 28 November 2024 will be discarded.
Poster presentation times
Poster presentations will be available for viewing for the duration of the ASM.
Presenters are required to stand near their work during the morning/afternoon tea and lunch breaks to answer any questions that delegates may have about their work.
Download Poster (A0) Template
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Ready to submit?
Key dates
Early Bird Registrations Open
Friday, 22 March 2024
Abstract Submissions Open
Friday, 22 March 2024
Abstract Submissions Close
Tuesday, 23 July 2024
Volunteer Applications Close
Wednesday, 21 August 2024
Abstract Acceptance Notification
Wednesday, 7 August 2024
Early Bird Registration Deadline
Friday, 23 August 2024
Speaker Registration Deadline
Monday, 23 September 2024
Standard Registration Deadline
Thursday, 7 November 2024