“Progress POCUS” supports FACEMs and trainees who are pursuing ACEM’s recommended credentialing pathway for ultrasound.
Experts in ultrasound will be present to proctor your scans as well as carry out Formative and Summative Assessments for eFAST, AAA, Lung, Focused Echo in Life Support (FELS) and Vascular access.
Proctored scans can be entered into your logbook (for hospital credentialing or for CCPU purposes) where up to 50% of logbook cases can be “non-clinically” indicated.
We will finish the day with a review of the SLICE protocol (aka the “quick and easy” RUSH protocol) which provides a stepwise approach to using Lung, FELS, eFAST and AAA scans in the assessment of the shocked or SOB patient.
CPD: Educational Activities (EA) – 8 hours
*Please note this workshop requires a minimum number to be reached to run. Failure to meet the minimum required number will result in a workshop cancellation.